Joy Socratic Seminar

Simon Sinek: Restoring the Human in Humanity

Topics: Syllabus - About Photo - Meaning in Photography - Positivity Portfolio - Trending Creativity - Art as Voice - Nature Journal

Positivity Portfolio Pages: Joy-Close Up - Gratitude-Shape - Serenity-Reflection - Interest-Silhouette - Hope-Vignette

Pride-Framing - Amusement-Motion - Inspiration-POV - Awe-Landscape - Love-Candid

Joy Closeup Socratic Seminar ‎‎‎(Responses)‎‎‎

Simon Sinek says, The greatest challenge any organization faces is success. As organizations grow, inevitably they reach "The Split," a point when what the organization does gets separated from why it does it. When this happens the emphasis on making money increases along with the stress level. At the same time, passion and trust decrease. Simon calls on us to make "handshake friends," engage in "handshake dialogues," and build "handshake businesses." In this way, we can return to valuing human relationships and get back to a place where trust becomes the standard, not the exception.

"The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. ... The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them."

-- George Bernard Shaw